Women in LeaderShip

The New Normal is when Women are in Top LeaderShip Roles.

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Women in LeaderShip


The next session is on Zoom 9th October 2021 from 9 am till 5 pm. The first break is at 11 am for 30min. Lunch break is at 1.30 pm for 1h. 

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LeaderShip Skills


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Contemporary coaching sessions


This training is about increasing your awareness. By awareness, I don't mean just an idea in general. Actually, what Imean is, you will use the methodology that is worked out from your highest faculties. By analysing and understanding your highest f…

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Our Profile

Who We Are

We don't just show people how to think their way to the outcomes they desire; we are walking talking examples. We think and dream high, pushing ourselves beyond the edge of what we believe we are capable of. And in our jobs, we follow regular checklist: be grateful, have a good outlook, work in a spirit of ingenuity and peace, be a perfect example of what we sell, and do a better job today than yesterday. We believe that most people have not realized their full potential because they simply have not understood the proper way of thinking. When we work in harmony with Universal Laws, we move beyond perceived limitations and can literally think our way into any result we desire, and live the life that we want. Build future organisation leaders, increase staff participation staff retention. If they perceive a progressive path, employees are more inclined to remain.  Moreover, our leadership company offers the main traits needed to lead any team effectively. Effective communication, motivating and inspiring teams, adapting to changing situations, suitably delegating dutiestransparency and honesty, trust and a good attitude are key features in every great leader. In the 21st century, which is more global, digitally enabled and transparent with faster speed innovation flow, nothing significant gets done in complex Matrix. Relying on the traditional methods as a leader will stunt your growth as a leader. In fact, like traditional narrow 360 surveys or outdated performance criteria will give you false positives, and you will falsely be believing that you are more prepared than you are.  Leadership in the 21 st century are divined and evidenced by 3 questions.

Q 1.Where are you looking for the following change in your business model or your life? Great leaders see what’s around the corner, shaping their future, not just reacting to it.

Q 2.What is your diversity measure of your stakeholder and personal network? More extraordinary leadrrs understand that diverse network gives us access to greater pattern identification and solutions

Q 3.Are you brave enough to abandon a business practice that made you successful in the past? There is an expression, go along to get along. But the chances are that you follow as a leader to something familiar and comfortable. Great leaders are dear to be different. They do not just talk about risk-taking; they actually do it. For leaders, it is essential to build emotional stamina andwithdraw and understand that people will say that your ideas are naive. Usually, the people who join you will think differently and have enough courage to take the next leap. And it is a leap, and it is not a step. Leaders of the 21st century are men and women who are preparing themselves not too comfortable predictability of yesterday building the business and the realities of today and all those unknown possibilities for tomorrow.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a better everyday life by elevating the quality of thoughts individually.  We do this by bringing inspiration and empowering our audience through education. We expand people's awareness and give them access to understand the significance of thought and the importance of being the creator of your own life.

"It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll,
I am the Master of my Fate;
I am the Captain of my Soul."


To those who do not know the resources of mind these will sound like
rash statements; but science proves beyond question that in the well
springs of every man's mind are unplumbed depths—undiscovered
deposits of energy, wisdom and ability. Sound these depths—bring these
treasures to the surface—and you gain an astounding wealth of new
From the rude catamaran of the savages to the giant liners of today,
carrying their thousands from continent to continent, is but a step in the
development of Mind. From the lowly cave man, cowering in his burrow
in fear of lightning or fire or water, to the engineer of today, making
servants of all the forces of Nature, is but a measure of difference in
mental development.
Man, without reasoning mind, would be as the monkeys are—prey of any
creature fast enough and strong enough to pull him to pieces. At the
mercy of wind and weather. A poor, timid creature, living for the
moment only, fearful of every shadow.Through his superior mind, he learned to make fire to keep himself warm; weapons with which to defend himself from the savage creatures round about; habitations to protect himself from the elements. Through mind he conquered the forces of Nature.Through mind he has made
machinery do the work of millions of horses and billions of hands. What
he will do next, no man knows, for man is just beginning to awaken to
his own powers. He is just getting an inkling of the unfathomed riches
buried deep in his own mind. Like the gold seekers of ’49, he has panned
the surface gravel for the gold swept down by the streams. Now he is
starting to dig deeper to the pure vein beneath.
We bemoan the loss of our forests. We worry over our dwindling
resources of coal and oil. We decry the waste in our factories. But the
greatest waste of all, we pay no attention to—the waste of our own
potential mind power. Professor Wm. James, the world-famous Harvard
psychologist, estimated that the average man uses only 10% of his
mental power. He has unlimited power—yet he uses but a tithe of it.
Unlimited wealth all about him—and he doesn't know how to take hold
of it. With God-like powers slumbering within him, he is content to
continue in his daily grind—eating, sleeping, working—plodding through
an existence little more eventful than the animals', while all of Nature, all
of life, calls upon him to awaken, to bestir himself.
The power to be what you want to be, to get what you desire, to
accomplish whatever you are striving for, abides within you. It rests with
you only to bring it forth and put it to work. Of course you must
know how to do that, but before you can learn how to use it, you
must realize that you possess this power. So our first objective is to get
acquainted with this power.
For Psychologists and Metaphysicians the world over are agreed in this—
that Mind is all that counts. You can be whatever you make up your mind
to be. You need not be sick. You need not be unhappy. You need not be
poor. You need not be unsuccessful. You are not a mere clod. You are not
a beast of burden, doomed to spend your days in unremitting labor in
return for food and housing. You are one of the Lords of the Earth, with
unlimited potentialities. Within you is a power which, properly grasped
and directed, can lift you out of the rut of mediocrity and place you
among the Elect of the earth—the lawyers, the writers, the statesmen, the
big business men—the DOERS and the THINKERS. It rests with you
only to learn to use this power which is yours—this Mind which can do
all things.
Your body is for all practical purposes merely a machine which the mind
uses. This mind is usually thought of as consciousness; but the conscious
part of your mind is in fact the very smallest part of it. Ninety per cent
of your mental life is subconscious, so when you make active use of only
the conscious part of your mind you are using but a fraction of your real
ability; you are running on low gear. And the reason why more people do
not achieve success in life is because so many of them are content to run
on low gear all their lives—on SURFACE ENERGY. If these same people
would only throw into the fight the resistless force of their subconscious
minds they would be, amazed at their undreamed of capacity for winning
success.  ''The Secret Of The Ages'' Robert Collier

Excellent Reviews

Edite pulled no punches with her coaching and all with love and a concern for excellent results. She always cared about fulfilling my intended outcome and I trusted her to support me to achieve!

Sophie Henderson Aldred
4 May 2021

I had the privilege of having Edite as a Coach. It was 2013 and she was at the beginning of her journey. Presence and Kindness immediately characterized her way of being. She supported me in the challenges and difficulties that the Path envisaged. When I was discouraged, Proximity and Listening made the Difference. Thank you Edite 

Stefano Fadone
17 Sep 2021

I became acquainted with Edite when she became my ILP, Introduction to Leadership Programme Coach.

Edite as I know her, was steadfast, wholesome, organized and upheld integrity to a high level. She was observant and astute.  There was no getting away with things with Edite and there was no room for any slackness or slip ups!
Edite was punctual and expected everyone present and on time. She took pride in her appearance and always looked impeccable and expected the same with all of us.

If you had Edite as your coach, you were one of the lucky ones like me.  She will stick by you like a rock through trials and tribulations and ensure you reach your intended goals and get through your course with exception.

Above all, Edite is unassuming and is never self centered or arrogant in any way. She applies herself to the service and support to others in a kind, generous and genuine way.

I thank my lucky stars to have had Edite as my amazing coach and the opportunity to get to know this wonderful human being. 

Sushila Yacobi
2 Oct 2021

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